Will Kim Sun-bin’s FA contract and foreign pitchers all be pushed back to next year… How will KIA’s patience end

KIA’s offseason, which failed to advance to the postseason amid the worst injury this year, is particularly quiet. Various issues were expected to heat up the winter, but it became the team with the least movement in the offseason. After the second draft, the most notable press release was the renewal of the contract of foreign hitter Socrates Brito.헤라카지노

Kia’s current task is to recruit a foreign pitcher and sign a contract with Kim Sun-bin, an internal free agent. Many fans are waiting for news of the conclusion of the negotiations with interest, but no significant conclusion has been reached until now, just a few days left in 2023. Even within Kia, we are not sure about the timing. This means that there is still a bit more way to go.

Negotiations over Kim have been steadily and quietly progressing since the end of the season, but have reportedly failed to take off. Kim is one of the core elements of Kia’s infield. He also played as the team’s main second baseman this year. He showed off his batting ability by posting a batting average of 0.320 and an on-base percentage of 0.381 in 119 games.

Although he is not an outstanding hitter with slugging capability, he still excelled in his ability to make contact and select pitches. Kim has played 1,509 games overall in the KBO League and recorded a batting average of 0.303. Even in the last four seasons, he has recorded the batting average of 0.308 in 474 games. As Kim Tae-gun signed a three-year contract worth a total of 2.5 billion won (2.5 million U.S. dollars) before the end of the season, it is certain that Kim will want better treatment than this. It is natural considering the contribution of the team, the weight of the franchise, and the leadership of the dugout.

KIA also absolutely agrees that it needs Kim Sun-bin. Although the team’s efforts and attempts to expand its infield backup are continuing ahead of next season, Kia cannot be considered a rebuilding team. It is a long-term task in that way, and I think Kim Sun-bin is essential for its current performance. However, there were reportedly quite a few disagreements in the early stages of the negotiations. Industry officials say that although the two sides are in the process of narrowing their differences, they are not in an atmosphere that can be reached immediately. For now, it seems likely that it will move to 2024.

Foreign pitchers are at a certain point between difficulties and prudence. One of the reasons why Kia struggled this year was poor performances by foreign pitchers. Sean Anderson and Adonis Medina, who started the season together, were both sluggish. They tried to replace both players early on, but the two new foreign pitchers (Thomas Panoni and Mario Sanchez) were somewhat far from heroic performances.

As it is hard to change the face of Korean players anyway, foreign pitchers should be the key to strengthening Kia’s capabilities. It is the fastest and most efficient way to maximize a team’s capacity. Kia, which knows this well, has devoted its efforts to selecting foreign pitchers even before the end of the season. However, there has been no news yet. Panoni, who had been on hold as a player in the meantime, chose a U-turn in the U.S., and thus had one less choice.

However, Kia’s real intention is to find the best player possible even if it takes time. Although the U.S. market is not an easy target, the trend may change depending on local circumstances. Industry sources say that all candidates are known to have been narrowed down, and that they are picking and choosing as much as possible. “We have narrowed down the candidates and are continuing the process,” a Kia official said. Some say that they have reached a significant agreement with Kia for at least one spot.

The timing of confirmation of foreign appointments is also expected to move on to next year. This is why KIA is more likely to appear as the main character of the offseason in January 2024. Attention is focusing on how KIA’s djanggo will end.

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