This year marks the third year of his career. Kim Do-young (21) of the Kia Tigers is spending a season that will make history in the KBO league.스포츠토토
He has played in 103 games this season, posting a batting average of 351, 29 homers, 30 steals, 82 RBIs and an OPS of 1.067. If he adds one homer, he will become the ninth and youngest player to hit 30 homers and 30 steals. Currently, Park Jae-hong’s record of 30 homers and 30 steals is 22 years, 11 months and 27 days. If Kim Do-young achieves it this season, he will achieve it at the age of 20.
The outlook is bright. KIA manager Lee Bum-ho predicted between 35 and 40 homers due to Kim Do-young’s homeruns this season. He just does not steal bases to manage his physical stamina. As he is preparing to steal bases at any time when his records get closer, he will be able to reach 40 homers and 40 steals for the second time since Eric Thames (NC) in 2015.
Kim’s biggest strength is his consistency. His monthly batting average has been maintained at over 30 percent from April to July, except that he started the game late at 154 percent in six games in March. He recorded a whopping 407 percent in July.
Kim’s constant performance also contributed to his unique mind control. “I feel like I’ve become dull as I get hot all of a sudden,” Kim said. “When I think about it, it gets harder, so I think, ‘I’m in my best condition.’ I’m glad that I got a good result.” On how to manage my physical stamina by sending off heat waves, Kim said, “I’m trying to see less sunlight as much as possible. I’m trying to minimize my movement. I’m trying to eat well.”
“I was not in good condition lately,” he said, but the coach looked down on me with humility. “I only played one or two games (with not many hits), but I kept on giving them one or two hits each. I think I was out of balance except in the early part of the season. I think I am really maintaining it well.”
In the match against Hanwha in Daejeon on the 3rd, their eyes on the 29th home run were also divided. “I felt a little pushed. I thought it would go over, but I thought it could be a foul, so I watched it until the end,” Kim Do-young said. “It was the most homerun that comes out when it’s bad.” However, manager Lee said, “I hit the most homerun that came in at that height. You can think that hitting a homer in that position is perfect because you have your own posture, but hitting a homer in that position on the outside high course is the only way that a homerun can come out. It was not a miss, but it was so good that the ball didn’t bend. The bat itself was not pushed by the pitcher’s ball, so the ball didn’t bend. You did a good job.”
He is sending a strict message to himself, but he also expected the strength of a rebound that will come. “When you have a low sense of hitting, you don’t get better in a moment. If you keep hitting it, you will gain confidence and regain the sense of hitting, so I hope your team will be able to advance with a home run (his 29th homer),” Kim Do-young said.