Kim Do-young (KIA Tigers) and Moon Dong-ju (Hanwha Eagles), two promising stars born in Gwangju, were born in 2003. However, Kim is from Dongseong High School and Moon Dong-ju is from Jinheung High School. Although they were born and raised in Gwangju, neither elementary nor middle nor high school went together.메이저놀이터
For this reason, they were not that close from the beginning. However, they visited the senior national team together for the first time through the Asian Professional Baseball Championship last fall. As they spent two to three years in the pro league, they naturally became closer.
“I’m going to have dinner with Dongju,” Kim said after the match against Hanwha on Sunday. Kim focuses on Moon Kim Dae-jung, but if he leaves the field, he will be an ordinary 21-year-old friend. He might have eaten comfortably without talking about baseball at all.
It was confirmed on the ground before the game on the 4th that the two became friends. Kim Do-young and Moon Dong-ju met and talked at Hanwha Life Eagles Park in Daejeon, and Moon Dong-ju, who was mischievous, suddenly put his blue hat on Kim Do-young. “Kill Four” is that Kim Do-young was momentarily embarrassed and left his hat on for a while.
Kim Do-young laughed about it and said, “I was just sitting still because I was so busy. I laughed right away because I was embarrassed, and it was just a funny episode.” Come to think of it, Kim Do-young once said, “Hyun-jin was (jokingly) dissing Dong-ju when Ryu Hyun-jin and Moon Dong-ju joined ahead of the Gwangju showdown. We became so comfortable.
Kim will spend this year’s MVP season. Moon will suffer some ups and downs this season, too. However, no one can dispute the prospect of the two leading the Korean baseball in the next 10 years or more. They can be good helpers off the field, with only different teams.
What fans are curious about is Moon’s next schedule. There are fewer face-to-face encounters this year. There was only one showdown in Daejeon on July 19. At that time, he had two hits in three times at bat, which was a complete victory for Kim. Both hits were doubles. Kim also has three hits in seven times at bat (two doubles) and two walks, dominating the overall record.
Hanwha Eagles Moon Dong-ju/Hanwha Eagles
KIA and Hanwha have completed their regular season showdowns this season. However, there were one rain cancellation game in Gwangju and Daejeon, respectively. Three games are expected to be scheduled after September, up to one more game.