Kyoto International High School, a Korean-American school in Japan, won the Japanese National High School Baseball Championship (Gosien) for the first time since the foundation of the baseball team, and KIA Tigers, who provided baseball to them, also smiled.토토사이트
“The players are amazing,” KIA general manager Shim Jae-hak said in a phone call with Expo News on the 23rd, “We only gave a little help from our point of view, but we are just grateful that it helped.”
Kyoto International High School defeated Kanto Daichigo (Kandong Jeil High School) 2-1 after a close game in the 10th inning of extra time in the Koshien final on the day. It had a bitter taste for three years until 2021 (quarter-final), 2022 (loss in the first round), and last year (failed to advance to the finals), but this year, it shook off its disappointment.
Kyoto International High School, a Korean-American school, is the predecessor of Kyoto Chosun Middle School, which was established in 1947 by Koreans in Japan who voluntarily raised money for national education. It was approved by the Korean government in 1958 and changed its name to Kyoto International High School in 2003 with the official school approval of the Japanese government.
Kyoto International High School established a baseball team to recruit students and joined the Japanese High School Baseball Federation in 1999. Of the 138 high school students, 61 belong to the baseball team. Since its foundation, less than 30 years have passed, it is Kyoto International High School that has written a new history in national competitions.
Kyoto International High School drew attention in Korea in 2021. At that time, Kyoto International High School was first on the Koshien stage for the first time since its foundation, and Kyoto International High School’s school song, which starts with the Korean word “Yamato land across East Sea is a holy place of our ancestors’ old dreams,” attracted a lot of attention.
After the story of Kyoto International High School became known, a helping hand continued. In mid-May 2021, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) encouraged Kyoto International High School players by providing baseball products worth 10 million won, including baseballs and therapeutic sprays.
Kia Tigers also contributed. After learning about Kyoto International High School players’ situation, Shim Jae-hak decided to donate 1,000 Kyungsik’s baseball. Park Kyung-soo, principal of Kyoto International High School who received the baseball from Kia, sent a letter to express his gratitude.
“When I visited Osaka last winter to exchange with the Japanese team, I heard about the school’s situation,” said Shim Jae-hak, the general manager. He said that the most necessary thing we can do is a baseball. The ball we used in the spring camp was not in bad condition, so we wanted it to be a little helpful, but (the school) said it would be good if they gave us the ball, so we donated the Kyungsik baseball.”
“We were going to give a little help, but Kyoto International High School’s good performance at Koshien drew attention,” he said, adding, “I’m a little shy to say I applied.”
He also recalled playing at Koshien Stadium when he was a member of the youth team. “I was very aware of what Koshien was like, and when I played against Japanese players, I was moved to see the players’ attitude toward Koshien,” Shim said. “I was surprised just to see (Kyoto International High School) advance to the semifinals. I was touched to see Korean school songs played after a Korean-American school won the championship. I’m sure many people did so.”
The relationship between Kyoto International High School and KIA is expected to continue going forward. Regardless of the outcome of the upcoming championship, Kia has been continuously looking for ways to support Kyoto International High School players, and plans to continue empowering them.
“CEO Choi Joon-young emphasized social activities and donations, and we were thinking of some ways to help (the school) without informing the school through articles such as product support,” said Shim Jae-hak, head of the department. “I plan to increase the scope of support little by little,” he said. “I learned about the school called Kyoto International High School and the difficulties it faces, and I think it will help because not only us but also many people learned about it.”